Mike Aldrich

1020 W. Burnsville Pkwy #266
Burnsville, MN 55337
United States
Burnsville, MN 55337

e-mail: aldrichm@comdisconet.com


St. Olaf College - BA in Economics, coaching minor - 1995 Graduate

Burnsville High School - Burnsville, MN - 1991 Graduate

Honors Received

Football Oil Can Award

Football Special Teams Captain: 1993, 1994

Student Leader of Letterwinner's Club


Intercollegiate Athlete, St. Olaf College
1991 - 1995
Varsity football player for 4 years
Special teams captain for 2 years
Offensive/Offensive Line captain for 1 year

Student Leader, Letterwinner's Club
1991 - 1995

Organized student staff
Managed operation of concession stand
Being visible to the local community

Contributing Writer, Manitou Messenger; College Newspaper
1992 - 1995

Wrote articles for school newspaper
Was assigned and created projects to write about

Work Experience

Network Operator, Comdisco Network Services
July, 1996 - Present
Managed computer networks at basic level.
Created customer databases on frame relay statistics
Created customer home page's in HTML.

Administrative Manager, ZEP Manufacturing Company
March, 1996 - July, 1996

Managed office staff.
Performed variety of office duties including A/R, A/P, and Payroll
Responsible for some purchasing and securing stock orders from the home office.
Trained office staff in a variety of computer applications.

Administrative Assistant and Assistant Football Coach, St. Olaf College
1995 - March, 1996

Performed variety of office duties
Organized football program and the functions of it.
Trained and motivated college athletes.
Developed web pages in HTML

Student Work, St. Olaf College
1992 - 1995

Intramurals Coordinator
Athletic Facilities Manager
Weightroom Supervisor


I am still very invovled with athletics, playing softball and football on city teams, and I also participate in a variety of other sports in my spare time. I would like to obtain a position in which I would have a great deal of exposure to the client, and be trusted to treat the client in the best way (i.e., take them out to dinner, golfing, etc., for the good of the account and the company. I believe that with my leadership and coaching background, I would make a valuable asset to any organization.